Fordelen ved en digel af siliciumcarbid

Silicon carbide crucible are a popular choice for many foundry applications due to their several key advantages over metal crucibles.

The primary advantage of these crucibles is their high refractoriness, which allows them to operate at temperatures as high as 1600 degrees celsius. They can be utilized for melting and holding various ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys.

Resistance to Thermal Shock

Silicon carbide crucible are a popular choice for melting and analyzing metals at high temperatures. They boast several advantages, such as excellent thermal conductivity, chemical inertness, and resistance to thermal shock.

SiC crucibles are commonly used to melt and hold non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as heavy metals like gold. Their superior temperature tolerance and chemical inertness help avoid contamination during processing, saving both time and money in the process.

Preheating a silicon carbide crucible before use is essential to avoid thermal shock. A sudden change in temperature can cause the crucible to crack due to overheating.

Charge the crucible carefully and avoid dropping heavy materials into it, as this could damage it. Furthermore, keep an eye on the furnace’s temperature limits.

Resistance to Chemical Attack

For melting aluminum and other nonferrous metals that require high chemical resistance, you need a crucible with both dense material structure and durable protective glaze.

Silicon carbide crucible are ideal for this application due to their dense and mechanical strength, making them highly resistant to erosive and corrosive materials such as oxide slags and acidic flux chemicals.

Silicon carbide crucible are superior to steel or HEXOLOY SE tubes in terms of resistance to elevated temperature erosion and chemical corrosion when exposed to air. This makes them suitable for many foundry and casting operations.

When selecting a crucible for melting metals and alloys, your furnace, and processes, the ideal crucible will depend on certain characteristics. Your crucible supplier can assist in identifying which characteristics are essential for your application and provide recommendations on the ideal crucibles to meet those needs.

Resistance to Erosion

When selecting crucibles for your foundry or metal smelting process, it’s essential to select materials resistant to erosion. Silicon carbide is one of the most commonly utilized refractory materials in crucible construction.

Synthetic silica sand provides exceptional resistance to elevated temperature and chemical erosion. Furthermore, its high thermal conductivity makes it suitable for melting and casting nonferrous metals.

Additionally, its advanced isostatic pressing process makes the material dense and uniform without defects, reducing metal loss and pollution to a minimum.

Clay crucibles can last 3-8 times longer than glass crucibles and are suitable for all furnace types such as Coke-Oven, Fuel Burner, Electric Furnace, Intermediate Frequency Furnace and High Frequency Furnace. Furthermore, this alloy has the unique property of melting various nonferrous metals such as gold, silver, copper, aluminum lead-zinc and medium carbon steel without cracking or crumbling.

Resistance to Corrosion

silicon carbide crucible offers superior corrosion resistance for molten metals and their alloys due to its graphite-silicon carbide composite material, which absorbs and distributes heat while still maintaining high strength.

Additionally, silicon carbide crucible offer resistance to atmospheric oxidation – an issue faced by most graphite crucibles when exposed to air.

In addition to being resistant to corrosion, a silicon carbide crucible is also capable of withstanding physical shocks at high temperatures. This property becomes especially important if the furnace is mainly filled with metal ingots or other heavy materials.

Crucibles come in a range of sizes and shapes, often used for melting metals in fuel-fired or electric resistance furnaces. With or without pouring spouts, these vessels come in both traditional and specialized designs.




